
Your Chartered Surveyors in Sussex

In Sussex, our group of surveyors carry out high quality building surveys and valuations. If you want an estimate on a Level 3 Building Survey or Level 2 HomeBuyer Report, we can help.

These property surveys are completed in Sussex, mostly by local, RICS-chartered surveyors. Your report will be relevant to your property and up to industry standards.

Local Surveyors in Sussex

The property surveys consist of Residential Surveys, Valuations, Party Wall Services, Dilapidations, Expert Witness Services, Project Services, Condition Schedules, and others. 

For a local survey of your desired property, be it residential or commercial, in the lovely county of Sussex, commission an RPSA, CIOB or RICS Chartered Surveyor via us. You will receive an accurate report that details the condition and/or value of your property and allows you to make an informed decision regarding investment.

Level 3 Building Surveys in Sussex

With our panel of Chartered Surveyors, your surveyor will carry out a Level 3 Full Building Survey. This is the best type of structural survey. 

A Level 3 Survey is the most detailed and rigorous for assessing the condition of a  residential or commercial building when looking to buy or sell.

A Level 2 Survey (HomeBuyer Report) uses a traffic light system to identify essential defects in properties, though not as thoroughly as the Level 3 survey. It also allows for an optional property valuation to accompany the report.

If you’re buying a new build, the best practice is to have a list of issues highlighted with a snagging report and then fixed before you move into the property.

RICS Property Valuations in Sussex

A valuation relies on an understanding of the local market. Your property will be examined by a Registered Valuer and follows RICS Red Book valuation guidelines. The  different types of valuation offered include: 

  • Right to Buy 
  • Market Valuation
  • Insurance/Reinstatement Cost Assessment
  • ATED (Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings) Valuation
  • Non-Domicile Tax 
  • Capital Gains Tax
  • Matrimonial/Divorce Settlement 
  • Probate and Inheritance Tax 
  • Shared Ownership Staircasing/Equity 
  • Charities Act
  • Rent Reviews

A technical study of your property and the local property market will be conducted by your RPSA, CIOB or RICS valuer. This can be undertaken to determine reinstatement build cost valuations, market valuations, and tax valuations for capital gains, probate, inheritance, and matrimonial settlements in the locality. Should you require surveying services for collective enfranchisement matters or lease extension negotiations, our panel of qualified personnel are available to help you assess their worth.

Party Wall Award in Sussex

The party wall surveyors on our panel, many of whom are Chartered Surveyors under RICS, CIOB or RPSA,  have considerable experience with the Party Wall Act. They can be appointed to serve notices, carry out schedules of condition, and make an Award for owners in the Sussex area.

Specific Defect Report in Sussex

These surveys focus on specific defects in a property and offer expert reporting on their causes and recommended fixes. They give our clients the essential information they need to make knowledgeable decisions about buying, leasing, or renovating a property.

The Specific Defect Survey is what you need when you want a professional to look at a particular problem area in a building, like cracks, roof defects, or issues with rotten wood. Our RPSA/CIOB/RICS-qualified surveyors will not only determine what’s causing the problem but also present you with options on how to fix it, along with a ballpark figure for what those fixes will cost if you require.

Expert Witness in Sussex

You can assign a property dispute to an RPSA, CIOB or RICS chartered surveyor for resolution. The panel of surveyors can provide expert reports and act as expert witnesses for all types of property and construction disputes in compliance with Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) for legal proceedings in court.

Schedule of Condition in Sussex

These record the state of the property on a date prior to moving or construction. For the landlord, but also for the tenant, the Schedule of Condition serves to provide a record for the house or flat and help determine disputes over property condition that arise between landlords and tenants after habitation or works, such as with party wall.

Structural Engineer Report in Sussex

Structural engineers assess the soundness of a structure and recommend actions to ensure that it is safe and suitable for its intended functions, particularly when you are carrying out works. 

Engineers do this mainly for new designs but also for established structures when changes are planned—especially when those changes might seem likely to compromise the integrity of the structure. 

If necessary, they carry out calculations to demonstrate that a given design is or is not appropriate for use. 

The structural engineers in our Sussex office are chartered, hold professional standard licences, and are qualified as MIStructE, IEng, CEng or MICE.

Leasehold and Freehold Services in Sussex

If you’re undertaking collective enfranchisement or lease extension, you might want to consult a surveyor on our panel. Your surveyor can help negotiate the terms and ensure the investment is worthwhile.